Three-part workshop series

The Birth of a WOMAN

Are you ready to tap into your inner power and feminine essence?

Join me for a 3-part workshop on conscious connection and discussions on mindfulness, femininity, and the magic of spirit babies.

Do you feel trapped in your masculine energy?

Women are remembering how powerful they truly are and are ready to expand in major ways BUT often our feminine energy is wounded. We become trapped in the masculine way of doing things and can find it challenging to receive and surrender.

Video 1

Reclaiming Your Femininity

Learn simple practices to engage with your femininity to invite more ease and flow into your life.

Video 2

Womb Harmony

Reconnect to the portal of endless possibility and potential within you and restore it’s vibrancy to invite in more abundance, creativity, and joy.

Video 3

Spirit Babies

Find out how to communicate with Spirit Babies and what they need from us in order to fulfill their soul contracts.

A sanctuary for growth and practices to help shift your energy forward

What's Inside -

What's Inside -

3-Part Workshop

For $22 receive access to my popular Birth of a Woman series where I share my personal journey and stories from women around the world who I’ve had the honor of holding space for.

Enjoy honest conversations, guided meditations, rituals, and practices to support you through your transition and transformation.

Imagine a space where you can:

  • You are a goddess!

  • You are divine love!

  • You are worthy!

Mira, Hawaii

“Thank you so much for this workshop, sharing so much info and a space to connect with other women who are on this journey to finding ourselves and our purpose! It was exactly what I needed right now after a crazy hard year of healing.”

Sandra, Canada

“This was a gamechanger for me. Everything I needed to know and hear at exactly the right time. Now I can move forward with more wisdom than ever before knowing I’m not alone.“


I went from being a burnt-out corporate publicist to a thriving entrepreneur, author, and mother of two - I’m proof that the version of yourself you never dreamed was possible - totally is!